“Listen!” says Jesus. “I am coming soon!
I will bring my rewards with me, to give to each one according to what he has done.”
Revelation 22:12

In college, professors will often give their students warnings and advice on what to study for an upcoming exam. These examinations can count up to one-hundred percent of a student’s grade! That can put a lot of pressure on students to pay attention and to study for what is coming in the future. It is a relief to know, however, that most colleges offer tutors to assist students who need help.  The combination of the tutors and the professor’s warnings can benefit students who want to pass. If students will just follow the advice of the instructor, study their texts, and take advantage of the tutors, they will most likely succeed.

Revelation in the spiritual realm is similar to the professors’ warning students. It is a heads up about something in the future that is coming your way. It is inside information, from Jesus, that you would not have otherwise. The objective is to prepare you, ahead of time, before it happens. It helps you make better choices today in light of what you know is coming tomorrow. The book of Revelation illustrates the revelation of Jesus Christ, by Jesus Christ. Jesus, like the professor, tells believers what is happening in the world today, and how it is going to end. What a great advantage that true believers have. We have inside information! Heads up, Jesus is coming soon and He is trying to get us ready!

Questions: What type of preparations do you take to equip yourself for Jesus’ coming?

Prayer: Our Heavenly Father, thank you for the warnings that you have given us long ago. You have given us plenty of time to prepare, and we thank you for that. Help us get ready, as we make the choice to look to you. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

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About the Author…

Michael A. Noble, Senior Pastor
Michael A. Noble, Senior PastorShiloh Missionary Baptist Church
Michael A. Noble has preached the gospel for over 42 years.  He is a teacher of the Bible and prophetic voice as a faithful witess of Jesus Christ.


PHONE: 740-349-9133




“Listen!” says Jesus. “I am coming soon!
I will bring my rewards with me, to give to each one according to what he has done.”
Revelation 22:12

In college, professors will often give their students warnings and advice on what to study for an upcoming exam. These examinations can count up to one-hundred percent of a student’s grade! That can put a lot of pressure on students to pay attention and to study for what is coming in the future. It is a relief to know, however, that most colleges offer tutors to assist students who need help.  The combination of the tutors and the professor’s warnings can benefit students who want to pass. If students will just follow the advice of the instructor, study their texts, and take advantage of the tutors, they will most likely succeed.

Revelation in the spiritual realm is similar to the professors’ warning students. It is a heads up about something in the future that is coming your way. It is inside information, from Jesus, that you would not have otherwise. The objective is to prepare you, ahead of time, before it happens. It helps you make better choices today in light of what you know is coming tomorrow. The book of Revelation illustrates the revelation of Jesus Christ, by Jesus Christ. Jesus, like the professor, tells believers what is happening in the world today, and how it is going to end. What a great advantage that true believers have. We have inside information! Heads up, Jesus is coming soon and He is trying to get us ready!

Questions: What type of preparations do you take to equip yourself for Jesus’ coming?

Prayer: Our Heavenly Father, thank you for the warnings that you have given us long ago. You have given us plenty of time to prepare, and we thank you for that. Help us get ready, as we make the choice to look to you. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Inspired by the Video Series

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