“You may think you are on the right road and still end up dead.” Proverbs 14:12
This is the Church Age. God is calling his special people “out” of the world “into” the church through faith in Jesus. As Believers we seek to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever. The bible is the standard for what we believe and how we live.
Following Jesus plan for your life is a NOBLE CALLING. These publications are designed to edify your walk with God until you reach your eternal destination.
Friends, JESUS is the only answer for a world gone mad! The SELFISH, SENSELESS, RESENTFUL and ANGRY things people do has turned the world UPSIDE DOWN! “A Dog Eat Dog World” will eventually leave everybody maimed and mauled. Here is the good news- The SELFLESS, SENSIBLE, FORGIVING and LOVING things people do makes the world safer and a better place. Jesus told his Disciples in Matthew 5:13: "Let me tell you why you are here. You're here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? You've [...]
I said in my video sermon series “THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES” Part 6 …“God will send you someone to SHOW YOU THE WAY." Go on our website to get caught up and view the SIGNS OF THE TIMES video sermons and listen to the podcasts on demand at shilohnewark.com. FOLLOWING A GODLY EXAMPLE IS HOW YOU LEARN TO FOLLOW GOD’S PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE! That is what it means to be a DISCIPLE according to the Bible. Following who God sends into your life to SHOW YOU THE WAY is a spiritual discipline. When you obey Jesus, you are [...]
In my last BLOG I said… Jesus has a message 4 a Culture in Crisis and here is what he is saying to the Church: THE CORONA VIRUS IS BRINGING THE TRUE CHURCH TO IT’S KNEES! JESUS IS CALLING BELIEVERS ALL OVER THE WORLD TO PRAY. FRIENDS, THAT INCLUDES YOU! Get on your knees seeking God’s will for your life! God wants YOU to pray in JESUS name about everything all the time. THE CORONA VIRUS HAS DISRUPTED LIFE’S ROUTINES. DOES GOD HAVE YOUR ATTENTION? Now that you have time on your hands, daily check your “KNEE- MAIL.” Here is [...]
COVID 19 is called a “Corona Virus” because it is shaped like a Kings’ Crown; but Jesus is the real King- King of Kings and Lord of Lords! As a second more deadly wave sweeps across the globe; everybody wants to believe that eventually things will get better. Wishful thinking aside, God’s word says things will go from Bad to Worst. IT’S TIME FOR THE CHURCH TO WAKE UP AND HEAR THE WORD OF THE LORD! Jesus has a message 4 a Culture N Crisis: Here is what he is saying to the Church: THE CORONA VIRUS IS BRINGING [...]
I miss my spiritual church family! Covid-19 forced us to shut down the worship center March 29, 2020; to curb the spread of the virus and to observe healthy practices. The spiritual and physical health of all SMBC members is my top priority and concern. We have conducted ministry via social media on-line for twelve weeks. What have we learned? To worship, learn, preach, pray, give or connect – YOU DON’T NEED WALLS! To WALK WITH GOD and follow his plan for your life – YOU DON’T NEED WALLS! As a matter of fact, WALLS can keep you “in” and [...]