“Twenty-four thrones surrounded him, and twenty-four elders sat on them.
They were all clothed in white and had gold crowns on their heads.” Revelation 4:4
“Well done my good and faithful servant.
You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you more responsibilities.” Matthew 25:21.
Did you know that you will one day be rewarded if you are faithful to God? Promises of blessings and rewards are made to us if we overcome in this life. In Revelation 4, John got a glimpse of these promises being fulfilled in heaven. When John was caught up into Heaven, he saw individuals seated on thrones with golden crowns on their heads. They were not sitting on the main throne, in the center, but they were encircled around the throne of God. John testified that they were dressed in white robes, wearing golden crowns, and sitting on their own thrones. What an encouragement. All the sufferings in this world, does not compare to the glory that is waiting for us up there. AMEN!
These elders that John saw, are unnamed believers who have won the victory of their faith. These people were in the world and trusted in Jesus or the promise of Jesus if they represent some of the Old Testament saints. They have crowns on their heads and are encircled around the throne of God, who is the object of their worship. John said they were wearing white robes, which was promised to the church at Sardis if they overcame. On their heads were golden crowns, He promised this to the church at Smyrna and Philadelphia. They were promised that if they won the victory of their faith and went all the way with Jesus, no matter what, they would be rewarded. They were all sitting on their own thrones. They are given authority to rule over the nations which was promised to the church at Thyatira and Laodicea. These elders John saw, over came in the world and went all the way with Jesus. By faith, we believe that has already been accomplished in Heaven. We are only on our journey to get there. Be encouraged and hang in there! Remain standing, and one day you too will receive your crown. Hallelujah!
Questions: What are some things that you believe the Lord wants you to overcome?
Prayer: Lord, no cross means no crown. We lay our burdens down and pick up your yoke. Your yoke is easy and your burden is light. However, that doesn’t mean we aren’t going to go through some stuff. We ask that you will stand up in us when our knees get to knocking. In Jesus’ precious name we pray, Amen.
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“Twenty-four thrones surrounded him, and twenty-four elders sat on them.
They were all clothed in white and had gold crowns on their heads.” Revelation 4:4
“Well done my good and faithful servant.
You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you more responsibilities.” Matthew 25:21.
Did you know that you will one day be rewarded if you are faithful to God? Promises of blessings and rewards are made to us if we overcome in this life. In Revelation 4, John got a glimpse of these promises being fulfilled in heaven. When John was caught up into Heaven, he saw individuals seated on thrones with golden crowns on their heads. They were not sitting on the main throne, in the center, but they were encircled around the throne of God. John testified that they were dressed in white robes, wearing golden crowns, and sitting on their own thrones. What an encouragement. All the sufferings in this world, does not compare to the glory that is waiting for us up there. AMEN!
These elders that John saw, are unnamed believers who have won the victory of their faith. These people were in the world and trusted in Jesus or the promise of Jesus if they represent some of the Old Testament saints. They have crowns on their heads and are encircled around the throne of God, who is the object of their worship. John said they were wearing white robes, which was promised to the church at Sardis if they overcame. On their heads were golden crowns, He promised this to the church at Smyrna and Philadelphia. They were promised that if they won the victory of their faith and went all the way with Jesus, no matter what, they would be rewarded. They were all sitting on their own thrones. They are given authority to rule over the nations which was promised to the church at Thyatira and Laodicea. These elders John saw, over came in the world and went all the way with Jesus. By faith, we believe that has already been accomplished in Heaven. We are only on our journey to get there. Be encouraged and hang in there! Remain standing, and one day you too will receive your crown. Hallelujah!
Questions: What are some things that you believe the Lord wants you to overcome?
Prayer: Lord, no cross means no crown. We lay our burdens down and pick up your yoke. Your yoke is easy and your burden is light. However, that doesn’t mean we aren’t going to go through some stuff. We ask that you will stand up in us when our knees get to knocking. In Jesus’ precious name we pray, Amen.