“Those seeds that fell on good ground are the people who listen to the message and keep it in good and honest hearts. They last and produce a harvest.”
Luke 8:15
Although most people reject Jesus and His Word, it does not mean everybody will. Hallelujah! God has some true Christians in this world who receives His Word and truly believes on His Son Jesus Christ. That’s the fourth soil that Jesus talks about in the parable of the sower, and it represents people with a good heart. These people are spiritually productive because God’s Word gets inside them. They believe! Good hearted Christians are a blessing to God, to their church, and to their neighbor. They are witnesses and true followers of Jesus Christ. They just spread the blessings wherever they go. Hallelujah, I want to be like that! What about you?
This is what you need to take out of this. According to what Jesus taught in the parable of the sower, one out of four people (that is twenty-five out of one hundred), are true followers of Jesus Christ. That includes the numbers in the organized church as well! This shows that the true church is in the minority in this sinful and fallen world. The majority of people in the world are not true believers in Jesus Christ. No matter how many individuals say that they go to church. The majority never were and never will be until Jesus comes and establishes His Kingdom on the earth.
Brothers and sisters, this means that you are not a Christian just because you say that you are. You are known by your fruit. Read Matthew 7: 15-20, it will bless you. You see, you must have something to show for your faith. Not just anything either. It must be the fruit of the Spirit. Everyone in this world is one of these four types of people explained in the parable of the sower. Which one are you? As far as God is concerned, your life in this world is judged by that standard. God looks through the eyes of the Church, and either you're in or you're out. No exceptions! The only way to be a part of the true church is through a living faith in Jesus Christ, God’s Son! Amen.
Question: Which individual describes you in the parable of the Sower? Does the fruit you bear show that you are a part of God’s true church? Do you bear the fruit of the Spirit?
Prayer: Lord, open our eyes to see what you are doing right in front of us, and open our ears so we can hear what you are saying to us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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“Those seeds that fell on good ground are the people who listen to the message and keep it in good and honest hearts. They last and produce a harvest.”
Luke 8:15
Although most people reject Jesus and His Word, it does not mean everybody will. Hallelujah! God has some true Christians in this world who receives His Word and truly believes on His Son Jesus Christ. That’s the fourth soil that Jesus talks about in the parable of the sower, and it represents people with a good heart. These people are spiritually productive because God’s Word gets inside them. They believe! Good hearted Christians are a blessing to God, to their church, and to their neighbor. They are witnesses and true followers of Jesus Christ. They just spread the blessings wherever they go. Hallelujah, I want to be like that! What about you?
This is what you need to take out of this. According to what Jesus taught in the parable of the sower, one out of four people (that is twenty-five out of one hundred), are true followers of Jesus Christ. That includes the numbers in the organized church as well! This shows that the true church is in the minority in this sinful and fallen world. The majority of people in the world are not true believers in Jesus Christ. No matter how many individuals say that they go to church. The majority never were and never will be until Jesus comes and establishes His Kingdom on the earth.
Brothers and sisters, this means that you are not a Christian just because you say that you are. You are known by your fruit. Read Matthew 7: 15-20, it will bless you. You see, you must have something to show for your faith. Not just anything either. It must be the fruit of the Spirit. Everyone in this world is one of these four types of people explained in the parable of the sower. Which one are you? As far as God is concerned, your life in this world is judged by that standard. God looks through the eyes of the Church, and either you're in or you're out. No exceptions! The only way to be a part of the true church is through a living faith in Jesus Christ, God’s Son! Amen.
Question: Which individual describes you in the parable of the Sower? Does the fruit you bear show that you are a part of God’s true church? Do you bear the fruit of the Spirit?
Prayer: Lord, open our eyes to see what you are doing right in front of us, and open our ears so we can hear what you are saying to us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.