When a large crowd from several towns had gathered around Jesus, he told them this story: 

A farmer went out to scatter seed in a field. Luke 8:4 


“This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God.” Luke 8:11 CSB 

We are living in the Church Age. In these last days, Jesus is building His Kingdom by calling people out of the world and into the church. That’s right friends, this is what the church age is all about. Jesus is calling sinners to come out of this fallen world, and into His Kingdom, which is called the church. This world is temporary and headed for destruction. God’s Kingdom is eternal. Like a farmer who spreads seed in a field, God builds His church by spreading His seed too. The parable of the sower teaches us that God works by casting seed. The “seed” that Jesus is talking about is the Word of God. The true church is all about God’s Word. You see, the Bible is God’s written Word, that believers share with others through the spoken word, about Jesus who is the Word made flesh.  That is God’s contribution to the Kingdom. He provides the seed. He sent Jesus, and the Word will save you.    

Jesus used these Kingdom parables to show His followers how the world will be in the last days. He makes it clear that the true church exalts the name of Jesus and allows the Bible to be the standard for what we believe and how we should live. Any church that is not built on these truths is a fake church. Any person who claims to be a Christian, but doesn't allow the Bible to be their standard, is a fake Christian. Jesus wants His disciples to be able to discern who His true followers are, so they will not be deceived by a false look alike. Satan has his children in the world, whose job is to deceive you. It doesn’t matter if a person talks about God and calls themself a Christian. God looks at how you respond to His Word. A person is only a part of His church if he or she receives His seed into their heart. There is no way around it. Amen! 


Questions: Is the Bible the standard for what you believe and how you should live? How is that displayed in your life? If not, what does that indicate?   

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, we ask that you show us areas in our heart that are not lined up with your word. Search us Lord, know our heart, and lead us in the way of everlasting. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen! 

Inspired by the Video Series

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About the Author…

Michael A. Noble, Senior Pastor
Michael A. Noble, Senior PastorShiloh Missionary Baptist Church
Michael A. Noble has preached the gospel for over 42 years.  He is a teacher of the Bible and prophetic voice as a faithful witess of Jesus Christ.


PHONE: 740-349-9133



When a large crowd from several towns had gathered around Jesus, he told them this story: 

A farmer went out to scatter seed in a field. Luke 8:4 


“This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God.” Luke 8:11 CSB 

We are living in the Church Age. In these last days, Jesus is building His Kingdom by calling people out of the world and into the church. That’s right friends, this is what the church age is all about. Jesus is calling sinners to come out of this fallen world, and into His Kingdom, which is called the church. This world is temporary and headed for destruction. God’s Kingdom is eternal. Like a farmer who spreads seed in a field, God builds His church by spreading His seed too. The parable of the sower teaches us that God works by casting seed. The “seed” that Jesus is talking about is the Word of God. The true church is all about God’s Word. You see, the Bible is God’s written Word, that believers share with others through the spoken word, about Jesus who is the Word made flesh.  That is God’s contribution to the Kingdom. He provides the seed. He sent Jesus, and the Word will save you.    

Jesus used these Kingdom parables to show His followers how the world will be in the last days. He makes it clear that the true church exalts the name of Jesus and allows the Bible to be the standard for what we believe and how we should live. Any church that is not built on these truths is a fake church. Any person who claims to be a Christian, but doesn't allow the Bible to be their standard, is a fake Christian. Jesus wants His disciples to be able to discern who His true followers are, so they will not be deceived by a false look alike. Satan has his children in the world, whose job is to deceive you. It doesn’t matter if a person talks about God and calls themself a Christian. God looks at how you respond to His Word. A person is only a part of His church if he or she receives His seed into their heart. There is no way around it. Amen! 


Questions: Is the Bible the standard for what you believe and how you should live? How is that displayed in your life? If not, what does that indicate?   

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, we ask that you show us areas in our heart that are not lined up with your word. Search us Lord, know our heart, and lead us in the way of everlasting. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen! 

Inspired by the Video Series

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