"When, however, the Spirit comes, who reveals the truth about God, he will lead you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own authority, but he will speak of what he hears and will tell you of things to come.” John 16:13
The best way to read the book of Revelation is to read it as God’s drama production. That is how one can grasp the prophecies contained in John’s letter. The book of Revelation reads like God’s prophetic drama. This show is presented in God’s theater, to the church, and by the Holy Spirit. The revelation of Jesus Christ is the greatest show on earth and in order for you to watch you have to be a part of God’s audience. You must get your ticket by putting your trust in Jesus. The world cannot receive this revelation, because you have to be a part of God’s true church. You must be members of His audience. You have to be born again through faith in Jesus alone. The Holy Spirit has to open your eyes. He has to be the one to pull back the curtain so you can see what is happening on stage. Then and only then, can you be seated and enjoy the show.
The book of Revelation can be read like God’s theater production which is made up of four main acts or scenes. John introduces each scene or act using the phrase that he was, “in the Spirit”. We can witness the transitions into each scene in Revelation 1:10, 4:2, 17:3, and 21:10. Each time that John uses the phrase, “he was in the Spirit” he was whisked away into a new act or drama in heaven. A new scene arises; he was given a new revelation. It was by the Spirit that John was whisked away. That is crucial to know because that is how you get the message that God is conveying. That is how you watch the show and receive the revelation. You must have the Spirit of God living in you. You must be born of the Spirit. He is the one who pulls back the curtain. Every Christian should experience the Holy Spirit helping them receive God’s message. Do not settle with empty religion. Receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and then He will show you things that others cannot see.
Questions: Are you in the theater of God? Are you a part of God’s audience, are you a true Christian? Are you hearing the message from Jesus, like John did? Are you in the house, or just going through the motions? If so, how do you know?
Prayer: Lord, this message can be both encouraging and tough. We ask that you open our eyes that we may see what You are doing right in front of us, in Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
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"When, however, the Spirit comes, who reveals the truth about God, he will lead you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own authority, but he will speak of what he hears and will tell you of things to come.” John 16:13
The best way to read the book of Revelation is to read it as God’s drama production. That is how one can grasp the prophecies contained in John’s letter. The book of Revelation reads like God’s prophetic drama. This show is presented in God’s theater, to the church, and by the Holy Spirit. The revelation of Jesus Christ is the greatest show on earth and in order for you to watch you have to be a part of God’s audience. You must get your ticket by putting your trust in Jesus. The world cannot receive this revelation, because you have to be a part of God’s true church. You must be members of His audience. You have to be born again through faith in Jesus alone. The Holy Spirit has to open your eyes. He has to be the one to pull back the curtain so you can see what is happening on stage. Then and only then, can you be seated and enjoy the show.
The book of Revelation can be read like God’s theater production which is made up of four main acts or scenes. John introduces each scene or act using the phrase that he was, “in the Spirit”. We can witness the transitions into each scene in Revelation 1:10, 4:2, 17:3, and 21:10. Each time that John uses the phrase, “he was in the Spirit” he was whisked away into a new act or drama in heaven. A new scene arises; he was given a new revelation. It was by the Spirit that John was whisked away. That is crucial to know because that is how you get the message that God is conveying. That is how you watch the show and receive the revelation. You must have the Spirit of God living in you. You must be born of the Spirit. He is the one who pulls back the curtain. Every Christian should experience the Holy Spirit helping them receive God’s message. Do not settle with empty religion. Receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and then He will show you things that others cannot see.
Questions: Are you in the theater of God? Are you a part of God’s audience, are you a true Christian? Are you hearing the message from Jesus, like John did? Are you in the house, or just going through the motions? If so, how do you know?
Prayer: Lord, this message can be both encouraging and tough. We ask that you open our eyes that we may see what You are doing right in front of us, in Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.