“Happy is the one who reads this book, and happy are those who listen to the words of this prophetic message and obey what is written in this book! For the time is near when all these things will happen.” Revelation 1:3
It may be safe to say that many people do not have a clue of what the Bible is all about. There are plenty of individuals that have not taken the time to read it or to be taught by some form of teacher. In addition, many books of the Bible can be hard to understand, and arguably impossible. You need help from the Holy Spirit. He is the one who has to guide you into understanding. The same rings true for the book of Revelation. Without the help of the Holy Spirit, the book of Revelation will blow past people. It is no wonder why many individuals are intimidated by this book.
The book of Revelation is God’s last book of the Bible. It is His summary and it is about the apocalypse. It is about how the world will end and about the salvation of the righteous. If you are the type of person that does not like to read a book through to the end, you are going to miss your blessing. Revelation is the summary of God’s Bible. It is the last book of the Bible where God wraps it all up. It may be difficult to understand, but the revelation is very important. God gave it to us with the intention to bless us.
John opened up the book saying, “blessed is the person who reads aloud what is written in it”. Jesus wants us to have a heads up. There is a blessing in knowing how God will bring the world to a close. Since we know, we can be prepared. We can trust Jesus that prepared people will be happy people. Pastors and ministry leaders of the church, who present this book to the congregation, will be blessed. Individuals who listen when this book is being preached and taught will be blessed. Last, but not least, those who obey what the book says will be blessed. God does not want us to just hear His word, but to obey it also. The book of Revelation is crucial and God wants us to know how all of this is going to end. God would not have given it to us if He did not want us to know. Be encouraged and get your blessing, because time is about up!
Questions: God has given us inside information of how the world will end, how does this make you happy? How does the enemy try to get you to ignore the book of Revelation?
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, we are blessed by the revelation of Jesus Christ. We thank you for the inside information of how this world will end. You do not want us to be caught off guard, because You love us. Help us to not only hear the revelation but to also obey everything that is written in it. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
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“Happy is the one who reads this book, and happy are those who listen to the words of this prophetic message and obey what is written in this book! For the time is near when all these things will happen.” Revelation 1:3
It may be safe to say that many people do not have a clue of what the Bible is all about. There are plenty of individuals that have not taken the time to read it or to be taught by some form of teacher. In addition, many books of the Bible can be hard to understand, and arguably impossible. You need help from the Holy Spirit. He is the one who has to guide you into understanding. The same rings true for the book of Revelation. Without the help of the Holy Spirit, the book of Revelation will blow past people. It is no wonder why many individuals are intimidated by this book.
The book of Revelation is God’s last book of the Bible. It is His summary and it is about the apocalypse. It is about how the world will end and about the salvation of the righteous. If you are the type of person that does not like to read a book through to the end, you are going to miss your blessing. Revelation is the summary of God’s Bible. It is the last book of the Bible where God wraps it all up. It may be difficult to understand, but the revelation is very important. God gave it to us with the intention to bless us.
John opened up the book saying, “blessed is the person who reads aloud what is written in it”. Jesus wants us to have a heads up. There is a blessing in knowing how God will bring the world to a close. Since we know, we can be prepared. We can trust Jesus that prepared people will be happy people. Pastors and ministry leaders of the church, who present this book to the congregation, will be blessed. Individuals who listen when this book is being preached and taught will be blessed. Last, but not least, those who obey what the book says will be blessed. God does not want us to just hear His word, but to obey it also. The book of Revelation is crucial and God wants us to know how all of this is going to end. God would not have given it to us if He did not want us to know. Be encouraged and get your blessing, because time is about up!
Questions: God has given us inside information of how the world will end, how does this make you happy? How does the enemy try to get you to ignore the book of Revelation?
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, we are blessed by the revelation of Jesus Christ. We thank you for the inside information of how this world will end. You do not want us to be caught off guard, because You love us. Help us to not only hear the revelation but to also obey everything that is written in it. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.