“Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” Matthew 5:6
In today’s world, when we call someone “thirsty”, it is usually used in a negative way to describe someone as desperate. These types of people want something so bad, that they are willing to do anything to get it. They do not care what anybody thinks of them either. We usually look at such a person as being sad and pitiful. We say, “Man, they sure are thirsty.” In Jesus’ day it almost meant the same thing too. Being hungry and thirsty meant you had a strong obsessive desire. Thirsty people are driven by a singular focus, and they do not stop until they get what they want. Furthermore, the world often labels the thirsty as mentally ill. Psychological experts usually slap them with three letters, like OCD, and load them up with a bunch of pills from Big Pharma. They promise that these pills will make people feel better and will help with coping, but truth be told they do not work. Most of the time all it does is numb you. All these “experts” are steering many people down a road that leads to false hope. These false systems cannot solve our problems. They even get rich off us through their prescription pills and expensive counseling sessions. We just want to be happy and pills cannot fix us, only Jesus can.
Even though the world often looks down on the hungry and thirsty, Jesus does not. On the contrary, Jesus is looking for these type of people to be in His kingdom. He searches for people who have a strong obsessive desire to be happy. He adores their effort. They just need to be taught to find happiness in Him. His Kingdom recruits those who are heading down the wrong path, but are determined to find happiness. Jesus wants this type of person, because once he shows them that happiness only comes from Him, they will put that same effort into pursuing Jesus. However, hungry individuals have to learn to stop chasing the world’s lies and start chasing righteousness that comes from God. You have to want to be right! Happiness and righteousness go together in the Kingdom. You do not need pills. Jesus will satisfy you in ways the world never could. Try righteousness, and Jesus will fill you with happiness that will last forever. A good appetite for God guarantees a full stomach. Praise His Holy Name!
Questions: How has the hunger for the world’s stuff left you feeling empty in the past and present? Do you associate the pursuit of righteous the same as the pursuit of happiness?
Prayer: Lord, only You can make us right. We want to be right and we want to be happy. We ask that You give us a hunger for righteousness. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
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“Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” Matthew 5:6
In today’s world, when we call someone “thirsty”, it is usually used in a negative way to describe someone as desperate. These types of people want something so bad, that they are willing to do anything to get it. They do not care what anybody thinks of them either. We usually look at such a person as being sad and pitiful. We say, “Man, they sure are thirsty.” In Jesus’ day it almost meant the same thing too. Being hungry and thirsty meant you had a strong obsessive desire. Thirsty people are driven by a singular focus, and they do not stop until they get what they want. Furthermore, the world often labels the thirsty as mentally ill. Psychological experts usually slap them with three letters, like OCD, and load them up with a bunch of pills from Big Pharma. They promise that these pills will make people feel better and will help with coping, but truth be told they do not work. Most of the time all it does is numb you. All these “experts” are steering many people down a road that leads to false hope. These false systems cannot solve our problems. They even get rich off us through their prescription pills and expensive counseling sessions. We just want to be happy and pills cannot fix us, only Jesus can.
Even though the world often looks down on the hungry and thirsty, Jesus does not. On the contrary, Jesus is looking for these type of people to be in His kingdom. He searches for people who have a strong obsessive desire to be happy. He adores their effort. They just need to be taught to find happiness in Him. His Kingdom recruits those who are heading down the wrong path, but are determined to find happiness. Jesus wants this type of person, because once he shows them that happiness only comes from Him, they will put that same effort into pursuing Jesus. However, hungry individuals have to learn to stop chasing the world’s lies and start chasing righteousness that comes from God. You have to want to be right! Happiness and righteousness go together in the Kingdom. You do not need pills. Jesus will satisfy you in ways the world never could. Try righteousness, and Jesus will fill you with happiness that will last forever. A good appetite for God guarantees a full stomach. Praise His Holy Name!
Questions: How has the hunger for the world’s stuff left you feeling empty in the past and present? Do you associate the pursuit of righteous the same as the pursuit of happiness?
Prayer: Lord, only You can make us right. We want to be right and we want to be happy. We ask that You give us a hunger for righteousness. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.