“Outside the city are the dogs- the sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idol worshipers, and all who love to live a lie.”

Revelation 22:15

While we are waiting on the coming of Christ, Christians need to remember that no sinners will pass through heavens gates. The road to the eternal holy city is full of temptations, persecutions, trials and troubles. Following Jesus in the faith is difficult and dangerous, but well worth the struggle in the end.

Despite the culture we must stand apart and live for Christ, no matter what. While we are waiting for the Rapture we must not follow the crowd and conform by doing what everyone else is doing. We must not join in the heresies of apostate churches and false religion that makes you feel good about your sins. Be careful, “happy sinners will not get into heaven.”

Real Christianity involves trouble, persecution, suffering and sacrifice. The Lord wants His children to know that we will suffer persecution from sinners in this life, but not in the next life. Fake religion is all about living the good life here and now. That is why we need to remember that no sinner can get in, so we won’t be tempted to follow the crowds and take the easy road that leads to destruction and death. (Matthew 7:13-14) Keeping the faith will be worth it in the end, because no unrepentant sinner can pass through the gates into the Holy City.

Outside the “Eternal Holy City of God and His Saints” will be a sign that reads: NO DOGS ALLOWED. The “dogs” are demon possessed murderous lying godless perverts.” All unclean people that lived like dogs hating Jesus and his people are forever banned from paradise. They ungodly will not stop mistreating us now, but they won’t be able to harass us any more in the next life because they will be on the outside. Hallelujah!  That is why we must “man up” and stay “buttoned up” ready to fight the good fight of faith every day.  We must keep marching on, keeping the faith with a pure heart and clean conscience until the end. The hardships we endure as followers of Jesus in this world are temporary. The wicked “dog” the righteous every chance they get because they cannot go where we are going. Thank God for that!

Questions: In what ways can you view persecution as a sign of encouragement? Can you image a world without haters, perverts, murderers, pedophiles, witches, warlocks, demon worshippers, liars and the corrupt? Have you learned to forgive your enemies, so they won’t get into your heart and make you miss the kingdom?

Prayer: Lord, you warned us that in this life we will have many troubles, but you also said that you have overcome the world. We thank you Lord for the peace that comes with this reminder. I ask you to help me to stay of the righteous road despite my persecutors. In Jesus’ name I pray and thank you, Amen.

Inspired by the Video Series

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About the Author…

Michael A. Noble, Senior Pastor
Michael A. Noble, Senior PastorShiloh Missionary Baptist Church
Michael A. Noble has preached the gospel for over 42 years.  He is a teacher of the Bible and prophetic voice as a faithful witess of Jesus Christ.


PHONE: 740-349-9133




“Outside the city are the dogs- the sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idol worshipers, and all who love to live a lie.”

Revelation 22:15

While we are waiting on the coming of Christ, Christians need to remember that no sinners will pass through heavens gates. The road to the eternal holy city is full of temptations, persecutions, trials and troubles. Following Jesus in the faith is difficult and dangerous, but well worth the struggle in the end.

Despite the culture we must stand apart and live for Christ, no matter what. While we are waiting for the Rapture we must not follow the crowd and conform by doing what everyone else is doing. We must not join in the heresies of apostate churches and false religion that makes you feel good about your sins. Be careful, “happy sinners will not get into heaven.”

Real Christianity involves trouble, persecution, suffering and sacrifice. The Lord wants His children to know that we will suffer persecution from sinners in this life, but not in the next life. Fake religion is all about living the good life here and now. That is why we need to remember that no sinner can get in, so we won’t be tempted to follow the crowds and take the easy road that leads to destruction and death. (Matthew 7:13-14) Keeping the faith will be worth it in the end, because no unrepentant sinner can pass through the gates into the Holy City.

Outside the “Eternal Holy City of God and His Saints” will be a sign that reads: NO DOGS ALLOWED. The “dogs” are demon possessed murderous lying godless perverts.” All unclean people that lived like dogs hating Jesus and his people are forever banned from paradise. They ungodly will not stop mistreating us now, but they won’t be able to harass us any more in the next life because they will be on the outside. Hallelujah!  That is why we must “man up” and stay “buttoned up” ready to fight the good fight of faith every day.  We must keep marching on, keeping the faith with a pure heart and clean conscience until the end. The hardships we endure as followers of Jesus in this world are temporary. The wicked “dog” the righteous every chance they get because they cannot go where we are going. Thank God for that!

Questions: In what ways can you view persecution as a sign of encouragement? Can you image a world without haters, perverts, murderers, pedophiles, witches, warlocks, demon worshippers, liars and the corrupt? Have you learned to forgive your enemies, so they won’t get into your heart and make you miss the kingdom?

Prayer: Lord, you warned us that in this life we will have many troubles, but you also said that you have overcome the world. We thank you Lord for the peace that comes with this reminder. I ask you to help me to stay of the righteous road despite my persecutors. In Jesus’ name I pray and thank you, Amen.

Inspired by the Video Series

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