“He which testifies these things saith, Surely I come quickly.
Amen, even so come, Lord Jesus.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all, AMEN”
Revelation 22: 20-21
The Apostle John concluded his prophetic letter by giving one last summary, which ends with a benediction. You can read this benediction in the conclusion of the verse above.
“What is a benediction”? The word “benediction” comes from a Latin compound word, which means to show favor to someone. It means to show someone that you like them. Also, it is saying good things about a person, because they did something that makes you feel good about them. Giving a benediction is the same a bestowing a blessing.
John wanted us to know that God the Father bestows eternal favor and blessings on individuals that respond properly to the revelation of His Son Jesus Christ. That is worth repeating. A person who properly responds to the revelation of Jesus Christ secures eternal favor from God the Father and blessings. It blessed the Apostle John, and in his excitement he wanted to make sure that his future readers got their blessings too. When Jesus testified of His return, John’s response was “Amen”, and he followed by saying “even so come”. If we want to partake in the same blessing that John received, we need to respond in the same way that John did. Everybody that says “Amen” to the revelation of Jesus Christ, secures eternal blessings from God just like John that will never be taken away.
To say “Amen” means that you believe something, someone. “Amen” means you agree with what you just heard and take care to share the truth with others and act accordingly. God’s eternal blessings are on people that say “Amen” to the revelation of Jesus Christ. When John said “Amen,” he was saying that the sudden coming of Christ was something reliable and a fact for him. He could not wait to see the coming of Christ. He took care to believe it. He had an urgent desire to see Jesus’ return and acted like it from that moment forward. Christians that say “Amen” to the revelation of Jesus Christ are agreeing to act in the same way today.
It was John’s greatest joy to share his passion about Jesus Christ and his return with the whole world. Because it blessed him, he wanted to be a blessing by sharing it with others. If you want to be blessed with eternal blessing from Father God, you must say “Amen” to the revelation of Jesus Christ and passionately share it with other just like John. You must say “Amen” to secure the same blessing. When you say “Amen,” you are passionately saying Jesus’ return is reliably imminent and agree to share the truth with others and act according. When you say “Amen,” Christ’s coming will be the fuel that drives your Christian life. Say “AMEN!”
Questions: Have you said “Amen” to the revelation of Jesus Christ? Are you acting like Jesus can appear at any time? If not, Why? How can you share the truth with others?
Prayer: Even so come quickly, Lord Jesus. Amen.
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“He which testifies these things saith, Surely I come quickly.
Amen, even so come, Lord Jesus.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all, AMEN”
Revelation 22: 20-21
The Apostle John concluded his prophetic letter by giving one last summary, which ends with a benediction. You can read this benediction in the conclusion of the verse above.
“What is a benediction”? The word “benediction” comes from a Latin compound word, which means to show favor to someone. It means to show someone that you like them. Also, it is saying good things about a person, because they did something that makes you feel good about them. Giving a benediction is the same a bestowing a blessing.
John wanted us to know that God the Father bestows eternal favor and blessings on individuals that respond properly to the revelation of His Son Jesus Christ. That is worth repeating. A person who properly responds to the revelation of Jesus Christ secures eternal favor from God the Father and blessings. It blessed the Apostle John, and in his excitement he wanted to make sure that his future readers got their blessings too. When Jesus testified of His return, John’s response was “Amen”, and he followed by saying “even so come”. If we want to partake in the same blessing that John received, we need to respond in the same way that John did. Everybody that says “Amen” to the revelation of Jesus Christ, secures eternal blessings from God just like John that will never be taken away.
To say “Amen” means that you believe something, someone. “Amen” means you agree with what you just heard and take care to share the truth with others and act accordingly. God’s eternal blessings are on people that say “Amen” to the revelation of Jesus Christ. When John said “Amen,” he was saying that the sudden coming of Christ was something reliable and a fact for him. He could not wait to see the coming of Christ. He took care to believe it. He had an urgent desire to see Jesus’ return and acted like it from that moment forward. Christians that say “Amen” to the revelation of Jesus Christ are agreeing to act in the same way today.
It was John’s greatest joy to share his passion about Jesus Christ and his return with the whole world. Because it blessed him, he wanted to be a blessing by sharing it with others. If you want to be blessed with eternal blessing from Father God, you must say “Amen” to the revelation of Jesus Christ and passionately share it with other just like John. You must say “Amen” to secure the same blessing. When you say “Amen,” you are passionately saying Jesus’ return is reliably imminent and agree to share the truth with others and act according. When you say “Amen,” Christ’s coming will be the fuel that drives your Christian life. Say “AMEN!”
Questions: Have you said “Amen” to the revelation of Jesus Christ? Are you acting like Jesus can appear at any time? If not, Why? How can you share the truth with others?
Prayer: Even so come quickly, Lord Jesus. Amen.