It was the Lord’s Day, and I was worshiping in the Spirit. Suddenly, I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet blast. It said, “Write in a book everything you see, and send it to the seven churches in the cities of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea.” Revelation 1:10-11
When you meet Jesus and truly get to know Him, you will worship Him. You will worship in spirit and in truth, just like we see in John’s testimony. You see friends, even though John was in prison for his witness, he still worshiped the Lord. On the Lord’s day, the day set aside for worship, John was doing just that. He said the Spirit took control of him, which is huge. The fact that he was in the Spirit is an important point you don’t want to miss. In order for you to truly show adoration to Jesus, you must be led by His Spirit. You have to know Him for that to happen. Only then can you offer God true worship and receive a blessing from that experience.
Many Christians don’t get past square one and they don’t get to know the real Jesus, because they never receive him as Lord. They never commit themselves to Him and allow His Spirit to control them. You cannot surrender to Jesus and at the same time have your own spirit controlling your life. You first have to be a committed disciple if you want to know Jesus. You have to completely allow Him to be in the driver seat. That happens through believing in Him, and that will lead you to true worship. The Spirit controlled John’s worship, he just yielded to Him. You have to believe in Him all the way. Some people wait to feel something before they worship and that doesn’t cut it. Worship is something that you invest in and offer to God as you celebrate Him. Worship is something that is done unto God, not something done unto you. However, you must be led by His Spirt, worshiping in the flesh is not going to have a real impact. Look at John; he received a word from Jesus in his worship experience. In a nut shell, true commitment to God will lead you to true worship, and that is when you will receive a true word from Jesus. When you commit, you will worship, and Jesus will speak! That alone will give you the strength to live a life in total submission to Him. Amen!
Questions: What does worshiping in the flesh look like? How do you prepare yourself before worship service so that you can receive a word from the Lord? What does commitment to Jesus look like?
Prayer: Lord, we confess that we cannot do anything without you, not even worship. Help us to get to know you truly, as we surrender our lives completely to you. In Jesus name we pray, Amen!
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It was the Lord’s Day, and I was worshiping in the Spirit. Suddenly, I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet blast. It said, “Write in a book everything you see, and send it to the seven churches in the cities of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea.” Revelation 1:10-11
When you meet Jesus and truly get to know Him, you will worship Him. You will worship in spirit and in truth, just like we see in John’s testimony. You see friends, even though John was in prison for his witness, he still worshiped the Lord. On the Lord’s day, the day set aside for worship, John was doing just that. He said the Spirit took control of him, which is huge. The fact that he was in the Spirit is an important point you don’t want to miss. In order for you to truly show adoration to Jesus, you must be led by His Spirit. You have to know Him for that to happen. Only then can you offer God true worship and receive a blessing from that experience.
Many Christians don’t get past square one and they don’t get to know the real Jesus, because they never receive him as Lord. They never commit themselves to Him and allow His Spirit to control them. You cannot surrender to Jesus and at the same time have your own spirit controlling your life. You first have to be a committed disciple if you want to know Jesus. You have to completely allow Him to be in the driver seat. That happens through believing in Him, and that will lead you to true worship. The Spirit controlled John’s worship, he just yielded to Him. You have to believe in Him all the way. Some people wait to feel something before they worship and that doesn’t cut it. Worship is something that you invest in and offer to God as you celebrate Him. Worship is something that is done unto God, not something done unto you. However, you must be led by His Spirt, worshiping in the flesh is not going to have a real impact. Look at John; he received a word from Jesus in his worship experience. In a nut shell, true commitment to God will lead you to true worship, and that is when you will receive a true word from Jesus. When you commit, you will worship, and Jesus will speak! That alone will give you the strength to live a life in total submission to Him. Amen!
Questions: What does worshiping in the flesh look like? How do you prepare yourself before worship service so that you can receive a word from the Lord? What does commitment to Jesus look like?
Prayer: Lord, we confess that we cannot do anything without you, not even worship. Help us to get to know you truly, as we surrender our lives completely to you. In Jesus name we pray, Amen!