“And instantly I was in the Spirit, and I saw a throne in heaven and someone sitting on it. The one sitting on the throne was as brilliant as gemstones—like jasper and carnelian. And the glow of an emerald circled his throne like a rainbow.” Revelation 4:2-3
Scene two, starting in Revelation 4:2, opens up with John in the Spirit again, being taken to the door of heaven. The first thing that he saw was worship; angels and redeemed believers focusing on a throne, and the throne was the center of everyone’s attention. John’s attention went to the throne, just like everyone else, and he noticed that someone was sitting on it. We know this to be God the Father. It was very clear to John that God is the center of devotion and adoration for everyone that will live with Him forever. In Heaven, everyone is fixated on the throne of God. Worship is the number one priority of every being that will be with God forever. If the throne of God is the focus of everyone there, shouldn’t it be for us also?
When John was caught up to the doorway of heaven, God the Father appeared to him with the radiance of precious jewels. John mentioned that he was like Jasper, which is brilliant and clear, like a diamond. It represents purity, flawlessness, and perfection. If you want to know who God is, first know that He is flawless, perfect, and pure. He also mentions carnelian stone, which is a red precious stone. This represents the blood of the redeemer, Jesus Christ. He is the Son of God who died on the cross for our sins. In Jewish religious culture, these two stones also symbolize the first and the last, the Alpha and Omega, a reference to God the Father and God the Son. Altogether, John saw heaven worshiping God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. As the Father is sitting on his rightful throne, He is the object of worship. Hallelujah!
John also describes a glow that looked like an emerald circled around His throne, like a rainbow. This emerald green glow symbolizes life. The rainbow is a sign from God to Noah, promising never to destroy earth by flood again. This also represents His promise of guaranteed eternal life to the righteous who believe in Jesus Christ. Oh,what a scene! Worship in Heaven, all the focus on God sitting on His throne glowing like precious jewels as His glory permeates everyone around Him! God the Father and Son are perfect, pure, and flawless. Jesus the perfect redeemer! He is life. He is the righteous ruler. You need to know who you worship!
Questions: Who or what sits on the throne of your heart?
Prayer: Lord, we know that You are perfect and holy, and we are shaped in iniquity. We ask that you would purify our hearts and minds. Thank You for sending us the perfect redeemer, Jesus Christ. Shine in our hearts with your glory, so others may see the light within us. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
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“And instantly I was in the Spirit, and I saw a throne in heaven and someone sitting on it. The one sitting on the throne was as brilliant as gemstones—like jasper and carnelian. And the glow of an emerald circled his throne like a rainbow.” Revelation 4:2-3
Scene two, starting in Revelation 4:2, opens up with John in the Spirit again, being taken to the door of heaven. The first thing that he saw was worship; angels and redeemed believers focusing on a throne, and the throne was the center of everyone’s attention. John’s attention went to the throne, just like everyone else, and he noticed that someone was sitting on it. We know this to be God the Father. It was very clear to John that God is the center of devotion and adoration for everyone that will live with Him forever. In Heaven, everyone is fixated on the throne of God. Worship is the number one priority of every being that will be with God forever. If the throne of God is the focus of everyone there, shouldn’t it be for us also?
When John was caught up to the doorway of heaven, God the Father appeared to him with the radiance of precious jewels. John mentioned that he was like Jasper, which is brilliant and clear, like a diamond. It represents purity, flawlessness, and perfection. If you want to know who God is, first know that He is flawless, perfect, and pure. He also mentions carnelian stone, which is a red precious stone. This represents the blood of the redeemer, Jesus Christ. He is the Son of God who died on the cross for our sins. In Jewish religious culture, these two stones also symbolize the first and the last, the Alpha and Omega, a reference to God the Father and God the Son. Altogether, John saw heaven worshiping God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. As the Father is sitting on his rightful throne, He is the object of worship. Hallelujah!
John also describes a glow that looked like an emerald circled around His throne, like a rainbow. This emerald green glow symbolizes life. The rainbow is a sign from God to Noah, promising never to destroy earth by flood again. This also represents His promise of guaranteed eternal life to the righteous who believe in Jesus Christ. Oh,what a scene! Worship in Heaven, all the focus on God sitting on His throne glowing like precious jewels as His glory permeates everyone around Him! God the Father and Son are perfect, pure, and flawless. Jesus the perfect redeemer! He is life. He is the righteous ruler. You need to know who you worship!
Questions: Who or what sits on the throne of your heart?
Prayer: Lord, we know that You are perfect and holy, and we are shaped in iniquity. We ask that you would purify our hearts and minds. Thank You for sending us the perfect redeemer, Jesus Christ. Shine in our hearts with your glory, so others may see the light within us. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.