“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.”  Matthew 5:9

It is good to be reminded of what it means to be a converted Christian. When you are converted in the Kingdom of God, you constantly become more like Jesus. This is what Jesus meant when he said peacemakers shall be called the children of God. Since, Jesus is the Prince of Peace, his followers are peacemakers too.  God’s children take on His character. They have His DNA and look like Him. Kingdom citizens bring the kingdom wherever they go. This means Christian’s bring peace where there is conflict, just by being present. We defuse wars between nations, families, communities, and individuals. We have a calming effect on others, in a world that is full of chaos. Although we are not always successful, things could be a whole lot worse without God’s children. Everyone will know when a Christian is present, because we make things better just by our company and spirit.

Since God’s children are stabilizers in a chaotic world, you don’t want to be left behind after the rapture. If you think that things are bad now, read your Bible and see how things will be when the church is removed. Things will go from bad to worse! Satan and his children are the ones who cause conflict and they are enemies of peace. They persecute peace makers because they don’t have any. Once the church is gone, peace will be taken away. If you think all hell has broken loose now, you do not want to witness it then. Jesus called His children salt in the spoiling and light in the darkness. God’s children are blessed with His kingdom peace. God does a great work through us, by sharing His kingdom benefits and favor to His children. The peace that we have points to the God of peace. He is the secret to our blessed happiness. If you want peace, you need God. There is no way around it. Hallelujah!

Question: Do you see yourself as a peace maker?

Prayer: Dear Lord, we ask that you stand up in us when we are called to bring peace to a chaotic situation. Help us to rest in your peace also, so that we may know that you are God of peace. In Jesus’ name we pray it all, Amen.

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About the Author…

Michael A. Noble, Senior Pastor
Michael A. Noble, Senior PastorShiloh Missionary Baptist Church
Michael A. Noble has preached the gospel for over 42 years.  He is a teacher of the Bible and prophetic voice as a faithful witess of Jesus Christ.


PHONE: 740-349-9133



“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.”  Matthew 5:9

It is good to be reminded of what it means to be a converted Christian. When you are converted in the Kingdom of God, you constantly become more like Jesus. This is what Jesus meant when he said peacemakers shall be called the children of God. Since, Jesus is the Prince of Peace, his followers are peacemakers too.  God’s children take on His character. They have His DNA and look like Him. Kingdom citizens bring the kingdom wherever they go. This means Christian’s bring peace where there is conflict, just by being present. We defuse wars between nations, families, communities, and individuals. We have a calming effect on others, in a world that is full of chaos. Although we are not always successful, things could be a whole lot worse without God’s children. Everyone will know when a Christian is present, because we make things better just by our company and spirit.

Since God’s children are stabilizers in a chaotic world, you don’t want to be left behind after the rapture. If you think that things are bad now, read your Bible and see how things will be when the church is removed. Things will go from bad to worse! Satan and his children are the ones who cause conflict and they are enemies of peace. They persecute peace makers because they don’t have any. Once the church is gone, peace will be taken away. If you think all hell has broken loose now, you do not want to witness it then. Jesus called His children salt in the spoiling and light in the darkness. God’s children are blessed with His kingdom peace. God does a great work through us, by sharing His kingdom benefits and favor to His children. The peace that we have points to the God of peace. He is the secret to our blessed happiness. If you want peace, you need God. There is no way around it. Hallelujah!

Question: Do you see yourself as a peace maker?

Prayer: Dear Lord, we ask that you stand up in us when we are called to bring peace to a chaotic situation. Help us to rest in your peace also, so that we may know that you are God of peace. In Jesus’ name we pray it all, Amen.

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