“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33
Many people are like the man who shouted up a mountain, “What is the secret to happiness?” The answer came back, “God.” The man did not like that answer, so he shouted, “Is there anyone else up there that I can talk to?” Do you know that God wants you to be happy? There are so many people in the world who think
the exact opposite. You do not know God very well if you think He doesn’t want you to be happy. Yeah, He wants you to obey and surrender, but in the end, God wants to bless you! God really does want you to be happy, but He has to give it to you His way. True happiness can only be found in Jesus. Only born again believers are able to find true happiness because they find it in Jesus Christ! Friends, you can talk to someone else about the secret to happiness, and surely you can find somebody that will tell you what you want to hear. However, it won’t be true, because only God can make you genuinely happy! Some people will get this, others just won’t.
One of the tricks that Satan has used from the very beginning is duping people into thinking that they can be happy without God. Ever since the Garden of Eden, the devil has deceived many into believing that sin will make you happy. That is a lie and you should not believe it, because Satan is behind it all. That is why people have been chasing happiness in all the wrong places ever since; millions all over the world chasing pleasures of the flesh like money, drugs, alcohol, cars, and entertainment; the list goes on and on. Those things represent the false systems and false worship of the world, the promises of happiness that cannot be delivered. None of these things offer purpose to a man’s life. Truth be told, only God can scratch that deep itch. Only He can offer a person the true happiness they long for. If you are one of those who believe that the pleasures of the world can bring true happiness, here is a question: How is that working out? Many people are smiling on the outside, but dying on the inside. The stuff this world offers is not enough to satisfy the deep hunger of the soul. Only God is.
Questions: Do you believe God wants you to be happy? What ways have you chased happiness in the wrong places? How did those experiences turn out?
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, only true happiness comes from You. Fulfill us with Your presence and help us to be drawn to You. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.
Inspired by the Video Series

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“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33
Many people are like the man who shouted up a mountain, “What is the secret to happiness?” The answer came back, “God.” The man did not like that answer, so he shouted, “Is there anyone else up there that I can talk to?” Do you know that God wants you to be happy? There are so many people in the world who think
the exact opposite. You do not know God very well if you think He doesn’t want you to be happy. Yeah, He wants you to obey and surrender, but in the end, God wants to bless you! God really does want you to be happy, but He has to give it to you His way. True happiness can only be found in Jesus. Only born again believers are able to find true happiness because they find it in Jesus Christ! Friends, you can talk to someone else about the secret to happiness, and surely you can find somebody that will tell you what you want to hear. However, it won’t be true, because only God can make you genuinely happy! Some people will get this, others just won’t.
One of the tricks that Satan has used from the very beginning is duping people into thinking that they can be happy without God. Ever since the Garden of Eden, the devil has deceived many into believing that sin will make you happy. That is a lie and you should not believe it, because Satan is behind it all. That is why people have been chasing happiness in all the wrong places ever since; millions all over the world chasing pleasures of the flesh like money, drugs, alcohol, cars, and entertainment; the list goes on and on. Those things represent the false systems and false worship of the world, the promises of happiness that cannot be delivered. None of these things offer purpose to a man’s life. Truth be told, only God can scratch that deep itch. Only He can offer a person the true happiness they long for. If you are one of those who believe that the pleasures of the world can bring true happiness, here is a question: How is that working out? Many people are smiling on the outside, but dying on the inside. The stuff this world offers is not enough to satisfy the deep hunger of the soul. Only God is.
Questions: Do you believe God wants you to be happy? What ways have you chased happiness in the wrong places? How did those experiences turn out?
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, only true happiness comes from You. Fulfill us with Your presence and help us to be drawn to You. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.
Inspired by the Video Series