“The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come!”
Everyone who hears this must also say, “Come!”
Come, whoever is thirsty; accept the water of life as a gift, whoever wants it.”
Revelation 22:17
In the verse referenced above, we see that the invitation to “come” is mentioned three times. The fact that it is mentioned three times must mean that it is important, and that readers should not miss it. That is the job of the church. We are told to invite lost souls to come to Jesus, so they can quench their spiritual thirst. We have a purpose on earth. That is why we are still here and have not gone to be with the Father in heaven yet. Jesus is counting on His Bride, the Church, to extend this invitation to lost souls. The Spirit led church must answer the call to minister to lost souls by inviting them to come to Jesus. Everybody must decide for themselves to accept or reject Jesus Christ, but the lost can only be saved if we witness to them about our faith. And that is the job of the Christian Church. The invitation is extended freely to all sinners without prejudice and without discrimination. By coming to Jesus and believing in Him in their heart, their spiritual thirst will be satisfied. They will be able to drink the water of eternal life, just like we will. The Spirit led church must extend the invitation to everyone, everywhere, and at all times. Jesus is the answer to the thirst of the human soul that is seeking God. That is why it is important that we tell others to come to Jesus, while we are waiting on His return. Jesus is counting on you!
Questions: Do you tell people about Jesus Christ? Are you an effective soul winner? Are you willing to tell everybody, everywhere, anytime, all the time about Jesus Christ? Who can you invite to come to Jesus Christ and drink living water this week?
Prayer: Lord, I accept your calling to invite others to come to Jesus. Thank You for inviting me. Now stir in me the same excitement to pass on the invitation to others. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
Inspired by the Video Series
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“The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come!”
Everyone who hears this must also say, “Come!”
Come, whoever is thirsty; accept the water of life as a gift, whoever wants it.”
Revelation 22:17
In the verse referenced above, we see that the invitation to “come” is mentioned three times. The fact that it is mentioned three times must mean that it is important, and that readers should not miss it. That is the job of the church. We are told to invite lost souls to come to Jesus, so they can quench their spiritual thirst. We have a purpose on earth. That is why we are still here and have not gone to be with the Father in heaven yet. Jesus is counting on His Bride, the Church, to extend this invitation to lost souls. The Spirit led church must answer the call to minister to lost souls by inviting them to come to Jesus. Everybody must decide for themselves to accept or reject Jesus Christ, but the lost can only be saved if we witness to them about our faith. And that is the job of the Christian Church. The invitation is extended freely to all sinners without prejudice and without discrimination. By coming to Jesus and believing in Him in their heart, their spiritual thirst will be satisfied. They will be able to drink the water of eternal life, just like we will. The Spirit led church must extend the invitation to everyone, everywhere, and at all times. Jesus is the answer to the thirst of the human soul that is seeking God. That is why it is important that we tell others to come to Jesus, while we are waiting on His return. Jesus is counting on you!
Questions: Do you tell people about Jesus Christ? Are you an effective soul winner? Are you willing to tell everybody, everywhere, anytime, all the time about Jesus Christ? Who can you invite to come to Jesus Christ and drink living water this week?
Prayer: Lord, I accept your calling to invite others to come to Jesus. Thank You for inviting me. Now stir in me the same excitement to pass on the invitation to others. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.