“This is what the story means: The seed is God's message, and the seeds that fell along the road are the people who hear the message. But the devil comes and snatches the message out of their hearts, so they will not believe and be saved. Luke 8:11
The soil mentioned in the parable of the sower represents the human heart. Just like the heart is seen as the center or the controlling organ that sustains physical life, the Bible describes the heart as a person’s total spiritual being. In this sense, faith is always a matter of the heart. Our hearts are the target of God’s will and Word. The Christian's contribution to the Kingdom is to spread the Word and God’s contribution is to provide the Word. However, the listener's contribution is to receive God’s Word deep inside them. Bullseye! Friends, it doesn’t matter if you claim to be a Christian because you go to church. If Jesus’s Word is not in your heart and He doesn’t live in you, then you are deceiving yourself. This is why the heart is so important. God doesn’t measure a person by their social status, bank account, physical appearance, or waistline. God looks at the heart of an individual!
When God’s Word gets into the heart of a believer, a change happens. One cannot change and become a new person in Christ if God’s Word is never received by faith. The Word does what it does, but ultimately it depends on the condition of a person's heart. They must choose to accept or reject God’s Word. You can tell a tree by its fruit, and if God’s Word is received by a person, the Word in them will produce fruit. God guarantees it!
You see, when you put together the symbols of the farmer, the seed and the soil and what Jesus said they represent, a picture is painted about the character of the Church Age. You must see it through the eyes of the Church! Since the Church is all about God’s Word, the parable of the sower teaches us that not everyone is a part of the true church. The reason why is because most people reject His Word. In fact, the more we look at this parable, we will learn that the real church is in the minority. Friends, everyone that talks about Heaven is not going there. That’s what the parable of the sower is teaching us. Real Christians let the word of God get into their hearts by faith. Real believers trust in what God says. In other words, you are not a true Christian just because you say that you are. You are known by your fruit. Amen!
Questions: Is Jesus living in your heart?
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, we ask that you show us areas in our heart that do not welcome your word. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
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“This is what the story means: The seed is God's message, and the seeds that fell along the road are the people who hear the message. But the devil comes and snatches the message out of their hearts, so they will not believe and be saved. Luke 8:11
The soil mentioned in the parable of the sower represents the human heart. Just like the heart is seen as the center or the controlling organ that sustains physical life, the Bible describes the heart as a person’s total spiritual being. In this sense, faith is always a matter of the heart. Our hearts are the target of God’s will and Word. The Christian's contribution to the Kingdom is to spread the Word and God’s contribution is to provide the Word. However, the listener's contribution is to receive God’s Word deep inside them. Bullseye! Friends, it doesn’t matter if you claim to be a Christian because you go to church. If Jesus’s Word is not in your heart and He doesn’t live in you, then you are deceiving yourself. This is why the heart is so important. God doesn’t measure a person by their social status, bank account, physical appearance, or waistline. God looks at the heart of an individual!
When God’s Word gets into the heart of a believer, a change happens. One cannot change and become a new person in Christ if God’s Word is never received by faith. The Word does what it does, but ultimately it depends on the condition of a person's heart. They must choose to accept or reject God’s Word. You can tell a tree by its fruit, and if God’s Word is received by a person, the Word in them will produce fruit. God guarantees it!
You see, when you put together the symbols of the farmer, the seed and the soil and what Jesus said they represent, a picture is painted about the character of the Church Age. You must see it through the eyes of the Church! Since the Church is all about God’s Word, the parable of the sower teaches us that not everyone is a part of the true church. The reason why is because most people reject His Word. In fact, the more we look at this parable, we will learn that the real church is in the minority. Friends, everyone that talks about Heaven is not going there. That’s what the parable of the sower is teaching us. Real Christians let the word of God get into their hearts by faith. Real believers trust in what God says. In other words, you are not a true Christian just because you say that you are. You are known by your fruit. Amen!
Questions: Is Jesus living in your heart?
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, we ask that you show us areas in our heart that do not welcome your word. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.