“This good news of the kingdom will be proclaimed in all the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14
The message about the coming kingdom is at the top of God’s list of priorities for the church. Every Christian is called to evangelize and share the good news that Jesus is coming back soon with everyone we can. The disciples were sent as witnesses by Jesus into all the world. Believers today are commissioned by Jesus Christ to do the same thing today. (Matthew 28:19-20) Preaching and teaching others about the gospel of the kingdom is every Believers responsibility.
Did you know that Jesus said the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom all over the world is a trigger that marks the end the world? That is what Jesus told his disciples in the scripture above. Therefore, the gospel about the Kingdom of God should be a very big deal to every follower of Jesus Christ. The world will come to an end when the gospel of the kingdom is preached all over the world. With modern gadgets, technology and the internet; this will happen soon. This will trigger a series of judgments of wrath from God on ungodly sinners and the world. The next event on God’s prophetic calendar is the Rapture of the Church from earth to heaven, followed by seven years of great tribulations and the rise of one evil world leader and one wicked world false church which will be destroyed when Jesus returns at the second coming. My Friends, the good news is that Jesus will rule the whole world in righteousness with his saints for one thousand years on earth. And that is what the gospel of the kingdom is all about. Telling others about the gospel of the kingdom is a key end times prophecy according to Jesus. It triggers a series of event that will end this world and begin a new one. We must tell others the good news that one day God will establish His kingdom on the earth and Jesus will rule the whole world with His saints. We have an obligation to get the good news out!
Tell everybody Jesus Saves. Tell everybody to confess their sins to God, repent and ask Jesus to forgive them and save their soul. Tell everybody that this world will be destroyed when Jesus returns to earth with his saints to rule the world. Tell everybody that the time is now to get right with God through faith in Jesus before it is too late.
The gospel of the kingdom was a top priority for Jesus, and it should be a top priority for you too. We are commissioned to spread the good news of the kingdom and this assignment must not be ignored. The gospel of the kingdom is important; it is our point of emphasis as Believers and our job to share with as many people as possible. God’s future plans depend on you and me doing our part to spread the gospel of the kingdom all over the world. If you won’t do it, who will? Think about it, Friends. The future of the world depends on it.
Question: Can God count on you to tell others about his Son Jesus Christ? Who can you tell the gospel of the kingdom that is close to you? Are you excited about this bible prophecy? Why or Why not? Which world do you prefer, this one or the next one?
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, help me to share your message with someone else. Thank you for opening my eyes, ears and heart to believe the truth about the coming kingdom of Christ. Help me not to love this world. Help me to look for the coming of Jesus in the clouds. I confess my sins, repent and ask you to forgive me. Make me holy and righteous through your blood so I will be ready. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
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“This good news of the kingdom will be proclaimed in all the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14
The message about the coming kingdom is at the top of God’s list of priorities for the church. Every Christian is called to evangelize and share the good news that Jesus is coming back soon with everyone we can. The disciples were sent as witnesses by Jesus into all the world. Believers today are commissioned by Jesus Christ to do the same thing today. (Matthew 28:19-20) Preaching and teaching others about the gospel of the kingdom is every Believers responsibility.
Did you know that Jesus said the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom all over the world is a trigger that marks the end the world? That is what Jesus told his disciples in the scripture above. Therefore, the gospel about the Kingdom of God should be a very big deal to every follower of Jesus Christ. The world will come to an end when the gospel of the kingdom is preached all over the world. With modern gadgets, technology and the internet; this will happen soon. This will trigger a series of judgments of wrath from God on ungodly sinners and the world. The next event on God’s prophetic calendar is the Rapture of the Church from earth to heaven, followed by seven years of great tribulations and the rise of one evil world leader and one wicked world false church which will be destroyed when Jesus returns at the second coming. My Friends, the good news is that Jesus will rule the whole world in righteousness with his saints for one thousand years on earth. And that is what the gospel of the kingdom is all about. Telling others about the gospel of the kingdom is a key end times prophecy according to Jesus. It triggers a series of event that will end this world and begin a new one. We must tell others the good news that one day God will establish His kingdom on the earth and Jesus will rule the whole world with His saints. We have an obligation to get the good news out!
Tell everybody Jesus Saves. Tell everybody to confess their sins to God, repent and ask Jesus to forgive them and save their soul. Tell everybody that this world will be destroyed when Jesus returns to earth with his saints to rule the world. Tell everybody that the time is now to get right with God through faith in Jesus before it is too late.
The gospel of the kingdom was a top priority for Jesus, and it should be a top priority for you too. We are commissioned to spread the good news of the kingdom and this assignment must not be ignored. The gospel of the kingdom is important; it is our point of emphasis as Believers and our job to share with as many people as possible. God’s future plans depend on you and me doing our part to spread the gospel of the kingdom all over the world. If you won’t do it, who will? Think about it, Friends. The future of the world depends on it.
Question: Can God count on you to tell others about his Son Jesus Christ? Who can you tell the gospel of the kingdom that is close to you? Are you excited about this bible prophecy? Why or Why not? Which world do you prefer, this one or the next one?
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, help me to share your message with someone else. Thank you for opening my eyes, ears and heart to believe the truth about the coming kingdom of Christ. Help me not to love this world. Help me to look for the coming of Jesus in the clouds. I confess my sins, repent and ask you to forgive me. Make me holy and righteous through your blood so I will be ready. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.