“I, John, have heard and seen all these things. And when I finished hearing and seeing them, I fell down at the feet of the angel who had shown me these things, and I was about to worship him. But he said to me, “Don't do it! I am a servant together with you and with your brothers the prophets and of all those who obey the words in this book. Worship God!”
Revelation 22:8-9
One of the things that we must do while we wait for the coming of Christ, is to worship God and God alone. This can be difficult, because there are dark spiritual forces working against us competing for our worship. You must be careful who you worship. Satan, demons and their human servants often try to derail us by deceiving us into worshiping them. This unholy spiritual alliance between demons and lost people explains the rise of mega-churches that teach lies in these apostate congregations of false religion all over the world. This is why we are told to test the spirits to see if they are from God or not (1John 4). Some people are fooled into thinking they are worshipping God and obeying Him; when they are actually following Satan and receiving teachings from demons. Any spirit that does not confess that Jesus was God and man is not from God. This is how Believers discern the difference between God’s Holy Spirit and lying evil spirits that want to control us. Just because you feel something in your spirit doesn’t automatically mean that the one true God is speaking to you. Satan and demons can speak their lies into your spirit through their lost human servants too. The voices that you listen to in your spirit determines your worship, and you need to know it.
John concludes his letter by reminding us that worshipping God, and God alone, is important. When it comes to worship, we need to be alert and stay on our P’s and Q’s. Twice, in the book of Revelation, John makes the mistake of worshipping the angel that gave him a revelation. Even though the Apostle John walked with Jesus as his disciple, the angel still needed to correct him twice. This fact shows peoples tendency to potentially worship angels that bring supernatural revelations, even though we shouldn’t. This is a warning to Believers to not make the same mistake. God will send angels, prophets and other human servants to deliver His message to His people; but we must never worship the messenger instead of God. The enemy, who knows this, will imitate God’s stuff. Scripture says that he comes as an angel of light. We can benefit today from John’s mistake that happened long ago. While we wait for Christ’s return let us be careful to worship God and God alone.
Questions: What are some tendencies that people can have that can lead to idol worship? In what ways have you learned from other’s mistakes? Who do you bow down to and worship? How will you know it you have been deceived into false worship?
Prayer: Dear Heavenly, You and only You are worthy of our praise and worship. Help us be reminded to take John’s warning seriously. In Jesus’ name we pray, AMEN.
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“I, John, have heard and seen all these things. And when I finished hearing and seeing them, I fell down at the feet of the angel who had shown me these things, and I was about to worship him. But he said to me, “Don't do it! I am a servant together with you and with your brothers the prophets and of all those who obey the words in this book. Worship God!”
Revelation 22:8-9
One of the things that we must do while we wait for the coming of Christ, is to worship God and God alone. This can be difficult, because there are dark spiritual forces working against us competing for our worship. You must be careful who you worship. Satan, demons and their human servants often try to derail us by deceiving us into worshiping them. This unholy spiritual alliance between demons and lost people explains the rise of mega-churches that teach lies in these apostate congregations of false religion all over the world. This is why we are told to test the spirits to see if they are from God or not (1John 4). Some people are fooled into thinking they are worshipping God and obeying Him; when they are actually following Satan and receiving teachings from demons. Any spirit that does not confess that Jesus was God and man is not from God. This is how Believers discern the difference between God’s Holy Spirit and lying evil spirits that want to control us. Just because you feel something in your spirit doesn’t automatically mean that the one true God is speaking to you. Satan and demons can speak their lies into your spirit through their lost human servants too. The voices that you listen to in your spirit determines your worship, and you need to know it.
John concludes his letter by reminding us that worshipping God, and God alone, is important. When it comes to worship, we need to be alert and stay on our P’s and Q’s. Twice, in the book of Revelation, John makes the mistake of worshipping the angel that gave him a revelation. Even though the Apostle John walked with Jesus as his disciple, the angel still needed to correct him twice. This fact shows peoples tendency to potentially worship angels that bring supernatural revelations, even though we shouldn’t. This is a warning to Believers to not make the same mistake. God will send angels, prophets and other human servants to deliver His message to His people; but we must never worship the messenger instead of God. The enemy, who knows this, will imitate God’s stuff. Scripture says that he comes as an angel of light. We can benefit today from John’s mistake that happened long ago. While we wait for Christ’s return let us be careful to worship God and God alone.
Questions: What are some tendencies that people can have that can lead to idol worship? In what ways have you learned from other’s mistakes? Who do you bow down to and worship? How will you know it you have been deceived into false worship?
Prayer: Dear Heavenly, You and only You are worthy of our praise and worship. Help us be reminded to take John’s warning seriously. In Jesus’ name we pray, AMEN.